Treatment Modalities
Myofascial Massage
Myofascial Massage is a profoundly calming yet deep and effective technique for releasing tension that winds itself throughout the fascial layer of the body. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that winds itself throughout the anatomy of the system, connecting muscles, organs, anatomical structures in intricuately woven maps of tension and emotional storage. These massages are excellent for conditions like fibromyalgia, and for those suffering from PTSD or experiencing any sensations of disembodiment. I utilize these techniques learned through The Moving Mountains Institute in every one of my sessions due to its effectiveness in immediate pain relief, as well as its effects on the nervous system.
Patients often report things like: “Wow, I know you’re working on my back, but I feel that all the way up into my jaw!” and “I feel like you are really listening to my body in ways that it has never been heard before”